Tuesday, December 24, 2019
A Tale Of Two Cities Or A Tale Of Two Worlds - 2163 Words
Karen Vanderford Ms. Faris Honors English IV 29 May 2015 A Tale of Two Cities or A Tale of Two Worlds? A person’s class status in today’s world is based on what one owns and how society views an individual; nothing else really matters. Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities exemplifies the importance of social status through the way society views and treats its characters. Lucie Manette, from England, is the â€Å"golden thread†who everyone adores, especially a man named Sydney Carton, who is known as a failure who drinks all the time. He has a look-alike named Charles Darnay, who is part of the aristocracy in France, marries Lucie and later has to go on multiple trials for a number of different reasons. He is found not guilty in each trial until his last trial, where he is proven guilty of being an aristocrat, causing harm to an innocent man and sentenced to die in the next twenty-four hours. Hearing this, Lucie panics and starts to imagine life without Charles, which harms her health. Therefore, Sydney Dalton, who looks identical to Charles and loves Lu cie more than life itself, decides to change places with Charles in Charles’ jail cell by drugging Charles and making him unconscious so he cannot have a say in what happens. Carton faces the guillotine next day by is beheaded because he is supposed to be Charles but no one knew that until the switch was done and at this point, there was no going back. All of this is what led to the making of the French Revolution because theShow MoreRelatedA Tale of Two Cities, A Dolls House, Brave New World837 Words  | 3 Pages the most prevalent subject that has continuously risen from conversation is that of sacrifice. Through the three books read in class, A Tale of Two Cities, A Doll’s House, and Brave New World, one can learn that sacrifice is not a selfless thing, but a necessary part of life when attaining something he or she feels is of greater value. In A Tale of Two Cities, written by Charles Dickens, Sydney Carton is introduced as a lethargic alcoholic that has little interest in living. As the story progressesRead MoreDuring the French Revolution, A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens948 Words  | 4 PagesA Tale of two cities is a compelling tale written by Charles Dickens. The tale takes place in London and Paris. Main characters Dr. Manette, Lucie Manette, Charles Darnay, Sydney Carton, and the Defarges are chronicled before the French Revolution and when the revolution begins throughout France. The author Charles Dickens explores the economic disparity between rich and poor within in the two cities and topics during enlightenment such as revolution in political thinking. In addition to establishingRead MoreA Tale Of Two Cities And The French Revolution1006 Words  | 5 PagesA Tale of Two Cities was a story about sacrifice and revenge before and during revolutionary France. Charles Dickens thought that if things d id not change, then a violent revolution in England, similar to the French Revolution, was possible or in the future. In â€Å"A Tale of Two Cities†, Charles Dickens symbolizes the discord that the English and the French faced as he tears apart the two systems of their society. Charles Dickens, a brilliant author back in the 1850’s, wrote â€Å"A Tale of Two Cities†Read More A Tale of Four Novels1596 Words  | 7 Pages Charles Dickens once stated, My faith in the people governing is, on the whole, infinitesimal; my faith in the people is, on the whole, illimitable.(Fido 102), this is certainly reflected in A tale of two cities, which is a historical novel written by Dickens that outlines the events of the French Revolution through the story of a French aristocrat named Charles Darnay. 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Though the differences between them are many and vast, there are several common themes found as the oldest societies this world knows began to define their existence and purpose in the universe. No matter where they found themselves, they possessed a universal question and curiosity of their origins. Two of the most ancient pieces of writing scholars have access to are theRead More Theme of Resurrection in A Tale of Two Cities Essay936 Words  | 4 Pagesin A Tale of Two Cities is on the dilapidated and resurrection portion of this pattern. There are a myriad of examples in this novel of resurrection. Specific people, groups of people, and even France are all examples of resurrection in A Tale of Two Cities. The theme of resurrection applies to Sydney Carton and Dr. Manette in A Tale of Two Cities written by Charles Dickens. Both Dr. Manette’s and Sydney Carton’s needs for resurrection manifest themselves at the beginning of A Tale of Two CitiesRead More History of Fairy Tales within Victorian Society Essay1204 Words  | 5 Pagesviewed fairy tales as inappropriate literature because they believed fairy tales to be a form of witchcraft. The attitude toward fairy tales soon changed when the Brothers Grimm published their two-volume collection called Kinderund Hausmarchen or German Popular Stories. Overnight, fairy tales became an acceptable form of literature. This sudden popularity raises some related questions: What are the reasons behind the increased popularity of fairy tales? What function did fairy tales play in VictorianRead MoreWorth of Fairy Tales in Jeanette Wintersons quot;the Passionquot;1625 Words  | 7 PagesWhen saying that there are certain folk or fairy tales about herself, Jeanette Winterson could not be more right, because there are indeed several myths surrounding her person. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Black House Chapter One Free Essays
1 RIGHT HERE AND NOW, as an old friend used to say, we are in the fluid present, where clear-sightedness never guarantees perfect vision. Here: about two hundred feet, the height of a gliding eagle, above Wisconsin’s far western edge, where the vagaries of the Mississippi River declare a natural border. Now: an early Friday morning in mid-July a few years into both a new century and a new millennium, their wayward courses so hidden that a blind man has a better chance of seeing what lies ahead than you or I. We will write a custom essay sample on Black House Chapter One or any similar topic only for you Order Now Right here and now, the hour is just past six A.M., and the sun stands low in the cloudless eastern sky, a fat, confident yellow-white ball advancing as ever for the first time toward the future and leaving in its wake the steadily accumulating past, which darkens as it recedes, making blind men of us all. Below, the early sun touches the river’s wide, soft ripples with molten highlights. Sunlight glints from the tracks of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad running between the riverbank and the backs of the shabby two-story houses along County Road Oo, known as Nailhouse Row, the lowest point of the comfortable-looking little town extending uphill and eastward beneath us. At this moment in the Coulee Country, life seems to be holding its breath. The motionless air around us carries such remarkable purity and sweetness that you might imagine a man could smell a radish pulled out of the ground a mile away. Moving toward the sun, we glide away from the river and over the shining tracks, the backyards and roofs of Nailhouse Row, then a line of Harley-Davidson motorcycles tilted on their kickstands. These unprepossessing little houses were built, early in the century recently vanished, for the metal pourers, mold makers, and crate men employed by the Pederson Nail factory. On the grounds that working stiffs would be unlikely to complain about the flaws in their subsidized accommodations, they were constructed as cheaply as possible. (Pederson Nail, which had suffered multiple hemorrhages during the fifties, finally bled to death in 1963.) The waiting Harleys suggest that the factory hands have been replaced by a motorcycle gang. The uniformly ferocious appearance of the Harleys’ owners, wild-haired, bushy-bearded, swag-bellied men sporting earrings, black leather jackets, and less than the full complement of teeth, would seem to support this assumption. Like most assumptions, this one embodies an uneasy half-truth. The current residents of Nailhouse Row, whom suspicious locals dubbed the Thunder Five soon after they took over the houses along the river, cannot so easily be categorized. They have skilled jobs in the Kingsland Brewing Company, located just out of town to the south and one block east of the Mississippi. If we look to our right, we can see â€Å"the world’s largest six-pack,†storage tanks painted over with gigantic Kingsland Old-Time Lager labels. The men who live on Nailhouse Row met one another on the Urbana-Champaign campus of the University of Illinois, where all but one were undergraduates majoring in English or philosophy. (The exception was a resident in surgery at the UI-UC university hospital.) They get an ironic pleasure from being called the Thunder Five: the name strikes them as sweetly cartoonish. What they call themselves is â€Å"the Hegelian Scum.†These gentlemen form an interesting crew, and we will make their acquaintance later on. For now, we have time only to note the hand-painted posters taped to the fronts of several houses, two lamp poles, and a couple of abandoned buildings. The posters say: FISHERMAN, YOU BETTER PRAY TO YOUR STINKING GOD WE DON’T CATCH YOU FIRST! REMEMBER AMY! From Nailhouse Row, Chase Street runs steeply uphill between listing buildings with worn, unpainted facades the color of fog: the old Nelson Hotel, where a few impoverished residents lie sleeping, a blank-faced tavern, a tired shoe store displaying Red Wing workboots behind its filmy picture window, a few other dim buildings that bear no indication of their function and seem oddly dreamlike and vaporous. These structures have the air of failed resurrections, of having been rescued from the dark westward territory although they were still dead. In a way, that is precisely what happened to them. An ocher horizontal stripe, ten feet above the sidewalk on the facade of the Nelson Hotel and two feet from the rising ground on the opposed, ashen faces of the last two buildings, represents the high-water mark left behind by the flood of 1965, when the Mississippi rolled over its banks, drowned the railroad tracks and Nailhouse Row, and mounted nearly to the top of Chase Street. Where Chase rises above the flood line and levels out, it widens and undergoes a transformation into the main street of French Landing, the town beneath us. The Agincourt Theater, the Taproom Bar Grille, the First Farmer State Bank, the Samuel Stutz Photography Studio (which does a steady business in graduation photos, wedding pictures, and children’s portraits) and shops, not the ghostly relics of shops, line its blunt sidewalks: Benton’s Rexall drugstore, Reliable Hardware, Saturday Night Video, Regal Clothing, Schmitt’s Allsorts Emporium, stores selling electronic equipment, magazines and greeting cards, toys, and athletic clothing featuring the logos of the Brewers, the Twins, the Packers, the Vikings, and the University of Wisconsin. After a few blocks, the name of the street changes to Lyall Road, and the buildings separate and shrink into one-story wooden structures fronted with signs advertising insurance offices and travel agencies; after that, the stre et becomes a highway that glides eastward past a 7-Eleven, the Reinhold T. Grauerhammer VFW Hall, a big farm-implement dealership known locally as Goltz’s, and into a landscape of flat, unbroken fields. If we rise another hundred feet into the immaculate air and scan what lies beneath and ahead, we see kettle moraines, coulees, blunted hills furry with pines, loam-rich valleys invisible from ground level until you have come upon them, meandering rivers, miles-long patchwork fields, and little towns one of them, Centralia, no more than a scattering of buildings around the intersection of two narrow highways, 35 and 93. Directly below us, French Landing looks as though it had been evacuated in the middle of the night. No one moves along the sidewalks or bends to insert a key into one of the locks of the shop fronts along Chase Street. The angled spaces before the shops are empty of the cars and pickup trucks that will begin to appear, first by ones and twos, then in a mannerly little stream, an hour or two later. No lights burn behind the windows in the commercial buildings or the unpretentious houses lining the surrounding streets. A block north of Chase on Sumner Street, four matching red-brick buildings of two stories each house, in west-east order, the French Landing Public Library; the offices of Patrick J. Skarda, M.D., the local general practitioner, and Bell Holland, a two-man law firm now run by Garland Bell and Julius Holland, the sons of its founders; the Heartfield Son Funeral Home, now owned by a vast, funereal empire centered in St. Louis; and the French Landing Post Office. Separated from these by a wide driveway into a good-sized parking lot at the rear, the building at the end of the block, where Sumner intersects with Third Street, is also of red brick and two stories high but longer than its immediate neighbors. Unpainted iron bars block the rear second-floor windows, and two of the four vehicles in the parking lot are patrol cars with light bars across their tops and the letters FLPD on their sides. The presence of police cars and barred windows seems incongruous in this rural fastness what sort of crime can happen here? Nothing serious, surely; surely nothing worse than a little shoplifting, drunken driving, and an occasional bar fight. As if in testimony to the peacefulness and regularity of small-town life, a red van with the words LA RIVIERE HERALD on its side panels drifts slowly down Third Street, pausing at nearly all of the mailbox stands for its driver to insert copies of the day’s newspaper, wrapped in a blue plastic bag, into gray metal cylinders bearing the same words. When the van turns onto Sumner, where the buildings have mail slots instead of boxes, the route man simply throws the wrapped papers at the front doors. Blue parcels thwack against the doors of the police station, the funeral home, and the office buildings. The post office does not get a paper. What do you know, lights are burning behind the front downstairs windows of the police station. The door opens. A tall, dark-haired young man in a pale blue short-sleeved uniform shirt, a Sam Browne belt, and navy trousers steps outside. The wide belt and the gold badge on Bobby Dulac’s chest gleam in the fresh sunlight, and everything he is wearing, including the 9mm pistol strapped to his hip, seems as newly made as Bobby Dulac himself. He watches the red van turn left onto Second Street, and frowns at the rolled newspaper. He nudges it with the tip of a black, highly polished shoe, bending over just far enough to suggest that he is trying to read the headlines through the plastic. Evidently this technique does not work all that well. Still frowning, Bobby tilts all the way over and picks up the newspaper with unexpected delicacy, the way a mother cat picks up a kitten in need of relocation. Holding it a little distance away from his body, he gives a quick glance up and down Sumner Street, about-faces smartly, and steps back into the station. We, who in our curiosity have been steadily descending toward the interesting spectacle presented by Officer Dulac, go inside behind him. A gray corridor leads past a blank door and a bulletin board with very little on it to two sets of metal stairs, one going down to a small locker room, shower stalls, and a firing range, the other upward to an interrogation room and two facing rows of cells, none presently occupied. Somewhere near, a radio talk show is playing at a level that seems too loud for a peaceful morning. Bobby Dulac opens the unmarked door and enters, with us on his shiny heels, the ready room he has just left. A rank of filing cabinets stands against the wall to our right, beside them a beat-up wooden table on which sit neat stacks of papers in folders and a transistor radio, the source of the discordant noise. From the nearby studio of KDCU-AM, Your Talk Voice in the Coulee Country, the entertainingly rabid George Rathbun has settled into Badger Barrage, his popular morning broadcast. Good old George sounds too loud for the occasion no matter how low you dial the volume; the guy is just flat-out noisy that’s part of his appeal. Set in the middle of the wall directly opposite us is a closed door with a dark pebble-glass window on which has been painted DALE GILBERTSON, CHIEF OF POLICE. Dale will not be in for another half hour or so. Two metal desks sit at right angles to each other in the corner to our left, and from the one that faces us, Tom Lund, a fair-haired officer of roughly his partner’s age but without his appearance of having been struck gleaming from the mint five minutes before, regards the bag tweezed between two fingers of Bobby Dulac’s right hand. â€Å"All right,†Lund says. â€Å"Okay. The latest installment.†â€Å"You thought maybe the Thunder Five was paying us another social call? Here. I don’t want to read the damn thing.†Not deigning to look at the newspaper, Bobby sends the new day’s issue of the La Riviere Herald sailing in a flat, fast arc across ten feet of wooden floor with an athletic snap of his wrist, spins rightward, takes a long stride, and positions himself in front of the wooden table a moment before Tom Lund fields his throw. Bobby glares at the two names and various details scrawled on the long chalkboard hanging on the wall behind the table. He is not pleased, Bobby Dulac; he looks as though he might burst out of his uniform through the sheer force of his anger. Fat and happy in the KDCU studio, George Rathbun yells, â€Å"Caller, gimme a break, willya, and get your prescription fixed! Are we talking about the same game here? Caller â€Å" â€Å"Maybe Wendell got some sense and decided to lay off,†Tom Lund says. â€Å"Wendell,†Bobby says. Because Lund can see only the sleek, dark back of his head, the little sneering thing he does with his lip wastes motion, but he does it anyway. â€Å"Caller, let me ask you this one question, and in all sincerity, I want you to be honest with me. Did you actually see last night’s game?†â€Å"I didn’t know Wendell was a big buddy of yours,†Bobby says. â€Å"I didn’t know you ever got as far south as La Riviere. Here I was thinking your idea of a big night out was a pitcher of beer and trying to break one hundred at the Arden Bowl-A-Drome, and now I find out you hang out with newspaper reporters in college towns. Probably get down and dirty with the Wisconsin Rat, too, that guy on KWLA. Do you pick up a lot of punk babes that way?†The caller says he missed the first inning on account of he had to pick up his kid after a special counseling session at Mount Hebron, but he sure saw everything after that. â€Å"Did I say Wendell Green was a friend of mine?†asks Tom Lund. Over Bobby’s left shoulder he can see the first of the names on the chalkboard. His gaze helplessly focuses on it. â€Å"It’s just, I met him after the Kinderling case, and the guy didn’t seem so bad. Actually, I kind of liked him. Actually, I wound up feeling sorry for him. He wanted to do an interview with Hollywood, and Hollywood turned him down flat.†Well, naturally he saw the extra innings, the hapless caller says, that’s how he knows Pokey Reese was safe. â€Å"And as for the Wisconsin Rat, I wouldn’t know him if I saw him, and I think that so-called music he plays sounds like the worst bunch of crap I ever heard in my life. How did that scrawny pasty-face creep get a radio show in the first place? On the college station? What does that tell you about our wonderful UW?CLa Riviere, Bobby? What does it say about our whole society? Oh, I forgot, you like that shit.†â€Å"No, I like 311 and Korn, and you’re so out of it you can’t tell the difference between Jonathan Davis and Dee Dee Ramone, but forget about that, all right?†Slowly, Bobby Dulac turns around and smiles at his partner. â€Å"Stop stalling.†His smile is none too pleasant. â€Å"I’m stalling?†Tom Lund widens his eyes in a parody of wounded innocence. â€Å"Gee, was it me who fired the paper across the room? No, I guess not.†â€Å"If you never laid eyes on the Wisconsin Rat, how come you know what he looks like?†â€Å"Same way I know he has funny-colored hair and a pierced nose. Same way I know he wears a beat-to-shit black leather jacket day in, day out, rain or shine.†Bobby waited. â€Å"By the way he sounds. People’s voices are full of information. A guy says, Looks like it’ll turn out to be a nice day, he tells you his whole life story. Want to know something else about Rat Boy? He hasn’t been to the dentist in six, seven years. His teeth look like shit.†From within KDCU’s ugly cement-block structure next to the brewery on Peninsula Drive, via the radio Dale Gilbertson donated to the station house long before either Tom Lund or Bobby Dulac first put on their uniforms, comes good old dependable George Rathbun’s patented bellow of genial outrage, a passionate, inclusive uproar that for a hundred miles around causes breakfasting farmers to smile across their tables at their wives and passing truckers to laugh out loud: â€Å"I swear, caller, and this goes for my last last caller, too, and every single one of you out there, I love you dearly, that is the honest truth, I love you like my momma loved her turnip patch, but sometimes you people DRIVE ME CRAZY! Oh, boy. Top of the eleventh inning, two outs! Six?Cseven, Reds! Men on second and third. Batter lines to short center field, Reese takes off from third, good throw to the plate, clean tag, clean tag. A BLIND MAN COULDA MADE THAT CALL!†â€Å"Hey, I thought it was a good tag, and I only heard it on the radio,†says Tom Lund. Both men are stalling, and they know it. â€Å"In fact,†shouts the hands-down most popular Talk Voice of the Coulee Country, â€Å"let me go out on a limb here, boys and girls, let me make the following recommendation, okay? Let’s replace every umpire at Miller Park, hey, every umpire in the National League, with BLIND MEN! You know what, my friends? I guarantee a sixty to seventy percent improvement in the accuracy of their calls. GIVE THE JOB TO THOSE WHO CAN HANDLE IT THE BLIND!†Mirth suffuses Tom Lund’s bland face. That George Rathbun, man, he’s a hoot. Bobby says, â€Å"Come on, okay?†Grinning, Lund pulls the folded newspaper out of its wrapper and flattens it on his desk. His face hardens; without altering its shape, his grin turns stony. â€Å"Oh, no. Oh, hell.†â€Å"What?†Lund utters a shapeless groan and shakes his head. â€Å"Jesus. I don’t even want to know.†Bobby rams his hands into his pockets, then pulls himself perfectly upright, jerks his right hand free, and clamps it over his eyes. â€Å"I’m a blind guy, all right? Make me an umpire I don’t wanna be a cop anymore.†Lund says nothing. â€Å"It’s a headline? Like a banner headline? How bad is it?†Bobby pulls his hand away from his eyes and holds it suspended in midair. â€Å"Well,†Lund tells him, â€Å"it looks like Wendell didn’t get some sense, after all, and he sure as hell didn’t decide to lay off. I can’t believe I said I liked the dipshit.†â€Å"Wake up,†Bobby says. â€Å"Nobody ever told you law enforcement officers and journalists are on opposite sides of the fence?†Tom Lund’s ample torso tilts over his desk. A thick lateral crease like a scar divides his forehead, and his stolid cheeks burn crimson. He aims a finger at Bobby Dulac. â€Å"This is one thing that really gets me about you, Bobby. How long have you been here? Five, six months? Dale hired me four years ago, and when him and Hollywood put the cuffs on Mr. Thornberg Kinderling, which was the biggest case in this county for maybe thirty years, I can’t claim any credit, but at least I pulled my weight. I helped put some of the pieces together.†â€Å"One of the pieces,†Bobby says. â€Å"I reminded Dale about the girl bartender at the Taproom, and Dale told Hollywood, and Hollywood talked to the girl, and that was a big, big piece. It helped get him. So don’t you talk to me that way.†Bobby Dulac assumes a look of completely hypothetical contrition. â€Å"Sorry, Tom. I guess I’m kind of wound up and beat to shit at the same time.†What he thinks is: So you got a couple years on me and you once gave Dale this crappy little bit of information, so what, I’m a better cop than you’ll ever be. How heroic were you last night, anyhow? At 11:15 the previous night, Armand â€Å"Beezer†St. Pierre and his fellow travelers in the Thunder Five had roared up from Nailhouse Row to surge into the police station and demand of its three occupants, each of whom had worked an eighteen-hour shift, exact details of the progress they were making on the issue that most concerned them all. What the hell was going on here? What about the third one, huh, what about Irma Freneau? Had they found her yet? Did these clowns have anything, or were they still just blowing smoke? You need help? Beezer roared, Then deputize us, we’ll give you all the goddamn help you need and then some. A giant named Mouse had strolled smirking up to Bobby Dulac and kept on strolling, jumbo belly to six-pack belly, until Bobby was backed up against a filing cabinet, whereupon the giant Mouse had mysteriously inquired, in a cloud of beer and marijuana, whether Bobby had ever dipped into the works of a gentleman named Jacques Derrida. When Bobby replied that he had never heard of the gentleman, Mouse said, â€Å"No shit, Sherlock,†and stepped aside to glare at the names on the chalkboard. Half an hour later, Beezer, Mouse, and their companions were sent away unsatisfied, undeputized, but pacified, and Dale Gilbertson said he had to go home and get some sleep, but Tom ought to remain, just in case. The regular night men had both found excuses not to come in. Bobby said he would stay, too, no problem, Chief, which is why we find these two men in the station so early in the morning. â€Å"Give it to me,†says Bobby Dulac. Lund picks up the paper, turns it around, and holds it out for Bobby to see: FISHERMAN STILL AT LARGE IN FRENCH LANDING AREA, reads the headline over an article that takes up three columns on the top left-hand side of the front page. The columns of type have been printed against a background of pale blue, and a black border separates them from the remainder of the page. Beneath the head, in smaller print, runs the line Identity of Psycho Killer Baffles Police. Underneath the subhead, a line in even smaller print attributes the article to Wendell Green, with the support of the editorial staff. â€Å"The Fisherman,†Bobby says. â€Å"Right from the start, your friend has his thumb up his butt. The Fisherman, the Fisherman, the Fisherman. If I all of a sudden turned into a fifty-foot ape and started stomping on buildings, would you call me King Kong?†Lund lowers the newspaper and smiles. â€Å"Okay,†Bobby allows, â€Å"bad example. Say I held up a couple banks. Would you call me John Dillinger?†â€Å"Well,†says Lund, smiling even more broadly, â€Å"they say Dillinger’s tool was so humongous, they put it in a jar in the Smithsonian. So . . .†â€Å"Read me the first sentence,†Bobby says. Tom Lund looks down and reads: †? ®As the police in French Landing fail to discover any leads to the identity of the fiendish double murderer and sex criminal this reporter has dubbed â€Å"the Fisherman,†the grim specters of fear, despair, and suspicion run increasingly rampant through the streets of that little town, and from there out into the farms and villages throughout French County, darkening by their touch every portion of the Coulee Country.’ â€Å" â€Å"Just what we need,†Bobby says. â€Å"Jee-zus!†And in an instant has crossed the room and is leaning over Tom Lund’s shoulder, reading the Herald’s front page with his hand resting on the butt of his Glock, as if ready to drill a hole in the article right here and now. †? ®Our traditions of trust and good neighborliness, our habit of extending warmth and generosity to all [writes Wendell Green, editorializing like crazy], are eroding daily under the corrosive onslaught of these dread emotions. Fear, despair, and suspicion are poisonous to the soul of communities large and small, for they turn neighbor against neighbor and make a mockery of civility. †? ®Two children have been foully murdered and their remains partially consumed. Now a third child has disappeared. Eight-year-old Amy St. Pierre and seven-year-old Johnny Irkenham fell victim to the passions of a monster in human form. Neither will know the happiness of adolescence or the satisfactions of adulthood. Their grieving parents will never know the grandchildren they would have cherished. The parents of Amy and Johnny’s playmates shelter their children within the safety of their own homes, as do parents whose children never knew the deceased. As a result, summer playgroups and other programs for young children have been canceled in virtually every township and municipality in French County. †? ®With the disappearance of ten-year-old Irma Freneau seven days after the death of Amy St. Pierre and only three after that of Johnny Irkenham, public patience has grown dangerously thin. As this correspondent has already reported, Merlin Graasheimer, fifty-two, an unemployed farm laborer of no fixed abode, was set upon and beaten by an unidentified group of men in a Grainger side street late Tuesday evening. Another such episode occurred in the early hours of Thursday morning, when Elvar Praetorious, thirty-six, a Swedish tourist traveling alone, was assaulted by three men, again unidentified, while asleep in La Riviere’s Leif Eriksson Park. Graasheimer and Praetorious required only routine medical attention, but future incidents of vigilantism will almost certainly end more seriously.’ â€Å" Tom Lund looks down at the next paragraph, which describes the Freneau girl’s abrupt disappearance from a Chase Street sidewalk, and pushes himself away from his desk. Bobby Dulac reads silently for a time, then says, â€Å"You gotta hear this shit, Tom. This is how he winds up: †? ®When will the Fisherman strike again? †? ®For he will strike again, my friends, make no mistake. †? ®And when will French Landing’s chief of police, Dale Gilbertson, do his duty and rescue the citizens of this county from the obscene savagery of the Fisherman and the understandable violence produced by his own inaction?’ â€Å" Bobby Dulac stamps to the middle of the room. His color has heightened. He inhales, then exhales a magnificent quantity of oxygen. â€Å"How about the next time the Fisherman strikes,†Bobby says, â€Å"how about he goes right up Wendell Green’s flabby rear end?†â€Å"I’m with you,†says Tom Lund. â€Å"Can you believe that shinola? ? ®Understandable violence’? He’s telling people it’s okay to mess with anyone who looks suspicious!†Bobby levels an index finger at Lund. â€Å"I personally am going to nail this guy. That is a promise. I’ll bring him down, alive or dead.†In case Lund may have missed the point, he repeats, â€Å"Personally.†Wisely choosing not to speak the words that first come to his mind, Tom Lund nods his head. The finger is still pointing. He says, â€Å"If you want some help with that, maybe you should talk to Hollywood. Dale didn’t have no luck, but could be you’d do better.†Bobby waves this notion away. â€Å"No need. Dale and me . . . and you, too, of course, we got it covered. But I personally am going to get this guy. That is a guarantee.†He pauses for a second. â€Å"Besides, Hollywood retired when he moved here, or did you forget?†â€Å"Hollywood’s too young to retire,†Lund says. â€Å"Even in cop years, the guy is practically a baby. So you must be the next thing to a fetus.†And on their cackle of shared laughter, we float away and out of the ready room and back into the sky, where we glide one block farther north, to Queen Street. Moving a few blocks east we find, beneath us, a low, rambling structure branching out from a central hub that occupies, with its wide, rising breadth of lawn dotted here and there with tall oaks and maples, the whole of a block lined with bushy hedges in need of a good trim. Obviously an institution of some kind, the structure at first resembles a progressive elementary school in which the various wings represent classrooms without walls, the square central hub the dining room and administrative offices. When we drift downward, we hear George Rathbun’s genial bellow rising toward us from several windows. The big glass front door swings open, and a trim woman in cat’s-eye glasses comes out into the bright morning, holding a poster in one hand and a roll of tape in the other. She immediately turns around and, with quick, efficient gestures, fixes the poster to the door. Sunlight reflects from a smoky gemstone the size of a hazelnut on the third finger of her right hand. While she takes a moment to admire her work, we can peer over her crisp shoulder and see that the poster announces, in a cheerful burst of hand-drawn balloons, that TODAY IS STRAWBERRY FEST!!!; when the woman walks back inside, we take in the presence, in the portion of the entry visible just beneath the giddy poster, of two or three folded wheelchairs. Beyond the wheelchairs, the woman, whose chestnut hair has been pinned back into an architectural whorl, strides on her high-heeled pumps through a pleasant lobby with blond wooden chairs and matching tables strewn artfully with magazines, marches past a kind of unmanned guardpost or reception desk before a handsome fieldstone wall, and vanishes, with the trace of a skip, through a burnished door marked WILLIAM MAXTON, DIRECTOR. What kind of school is this? Why is it open for business, why is it putting on festivals, in the middle of July? We could call it a graduate school, for those who reside here have graduated from every stage of their existences but the last, which they live out, day after day, under the careless stewardship of Mr. William â€Å"Chipper†Maxton, Director. This is the Maxton Elder Care Facility, once in a more innocent time, and before the cosmetic renovations done in the mid-eighties known as the Maxton Nursing Home, which was owned and managed by its founder, Herbert Maxton, Chipper’s father. Herbert was a decent if wishy-washy man who, it is safe to say, would be appalled by some of the things the sole fruit of his loins gets up to. Chipper never wanted to take over â€Å"the family playpen,†as he calls it, with its freight of â€Å"gummers,†â€Å"zombies,†â€Å"bed wetters,†and â€Å"droolies,†and after getting an accounting degree at UW?CLa Riviere (with hard-earned minors in promiscuity, gambling, and beer drinking), our boy accepted a position with the Madison, Wisconsin, office of the Internal Revenue Service, largely for the purpose of learning how to steal from the government undetected. Five years with the IRS taught him much that was useful, but when his subsequent career as a freelancer failed to match his ambitions, he yielded to his father’s increasingly frail entreaties and threw in his lot with the undead and the droolies. With a certain grim relish, Chipper acknowledged that despite a woeful shortage of glamour, his father’s business would at least provide him with the opportunity to steal from the clients and the government alike. Let us flow in through the big glass doors, cross the handsome lobby (noting, as we do so, the mingled odors of air freshener and ammonia that pervade even the public areas of all such institutions), pass through the door bearing Chipper’s name, and find out what that well-arranged young woman is doing here so early. Beyond Chipper’s door lies a windowless cubicle equipped with a desk, a coatrack, and a small bookshelf crowded with computer printouts, pamphlets, and flyers. A door stands open beside the desk. Through the opening, we see a much larger office, paneled in the same burnished wood as the director’s door and containing leather chairs, a glass-topped coffee table, and an oatmeal-colored sofa. At its far end looms a vast desk untidily heaped with papers and so deeply polished it seems nearly to glow. Our young woman, whose name is Rebecca Vilas, sits perched on the edge of this desk, her legs crossed in a particularly architectural fashion. One knee folds over the other, and the calves form two nicely molded, roughly parallel lines running down to the triangular tips of the black high-heeled pumps, one of which points to four o’clock and the other to six. Rebecca Vilas, we gather, has arranged herself to be seen, has struck a pose intended to be appreciated, though certainly not by us. Behind the cat’s-eye glasses, her eyes look skeptical and amused, but we cannot see what has aroused these emotions. We assume that she is Chipper’s secretary, and this assumption, too, expresses only half of the truth: as the ease and irony of her attitude imply, Ms. Vilas’s duties have long extended beyond the purely secretarial. (We might speculate about the source of that nice ring she is wearing; as long as our minds are in the gutter, we will be right on the money. ) We float through the open door, follow the direction of Rebecca’s increasingly impatient gaze, and find ourselves staring at the sturdy, khaki-clad rump of her kneeling employer, who has thrust his head and shoulders into a good-sized safe, in which we glimpse stacks of record books and a number of manila envelopes apparently stuffed with currency. A few bills flop out of these envelopes as Chipper pulls them from the safe. â€Å"You did the sign, the poster thing?†he asks without turning around. â€Å"Aye, aye,†says Rebecca Vilas. â€Å"And a splendid day it is we shall be havin’ for the great occasion, too, as is only roight and proper.†Her Irish accent is surprisingly good, if a bit generic. She has never been anywhere more exotic than Atlantic City, where Chipper used his frequent-flier miles to escort her for five enchanted days two years before. She learned the accent from old movies. â€Å"I hate Strawberry Fest,†Chipper says, dredging the last of the envelopes from the safe. â€Å"The zombies’ wives and children mill around all afternoon, cranking them up so we have to sedate them into comas just to get some peace. And if you want to know the truth, I hate balloons.†He dumps the money onto the carpet and begins to sort the bills into stacks of various denominations. â€Å"Only Oi was wonderin’, in me simple country manner,†says Rebecca, â€Å"why Oi should be requested to appear at the crack o’ dawn on the grand day.†â€Å"Know what else I hate? The whole music thing. Singing zombies and that stupid deejay. Symphonic Stan with his big-band records, whoo boy, talk about thrills.†â€Å"I assume,†Rebecca says, dropping the stage-Irish accent, â€Å"you want me to do something with that money before the action begins.†â€Å"Time for another journey to Miller.†An account under a fictitious name in the State Provident Bank in Miller, forty miles away, receives regular deposits of cash skimmed from patients’ funds intended to pay for extra goods and services. Chipper turns around on his knees with his hands full of money and looks up at Rebecca. He sinks back down to his heels and lets his hands fall into his lap. â€Å"Boy, do you have great legs. Legs like that, you ought to be famous.†â€Å"I thought you’d never notice,†Rebecca says. Chipper Maxton is forty-two years old. He has good teeth, all his hair, a wide, sincere face, and narrow brown eyes that always look a little damp. He also has two kids, Trey, nine, and Ashley, seven and recently diagnosed with ADD, a matter Chipper figures is going to cost him maybe two thousand a year in pills alone. And of course he has a wife, his life’s partner, Marion, thirty-nine years of age, five foot five, and somewhere in the neighborhood of 190 pounds. In addition to these blessings, as of last night Chipper owes his bookie $13,000, the result of an unwise investment in the Brewers game George Rathbun is still bellowing about. He has noticed, oh, yes he has, Chipper has noticed Ms. Vilas’s splendidly cantilevered legs. â€Å"Before you go over there,†he says, â€Å"I was thinking we could kind of stretch out on the sofa and fool around.†â€Å"Ah,†Rebecca says. â€Å"Fool around how, exactly?†â€Å"Gobble, gobble, gobble,†Chipper says, grinning like a satyr. â€Å"You romantic devil, you,†says Rebecca, a remark that utterly escapes her employer. Chipper thinks he actually is being romantic. She slides elegantly down from her perch, and Chipper pushes himself inelegantly upright and closes the safe door with his foot. Eyes shining damply, he takes a couple of thuggish, strutting strides across the carpet, wraps one arm around Rebecca Vilas’s slender waist and with the other slides the fat manila envelopes onto the desk. He is yanking at his belt even before he begins to pull Rebecca toward the sofa. â€Å"So can I see him?†says clever Rebecca, who understands exactly how to turn her lover’s brains to porridge . . . . . . and before Chipper obliges her, we do the sensible thing and float out into the lobby, which is still empty. A corridor to the left of the reception desk takes us to two large, blond, glass-inset doors marked DAISY and BLUEBELL, the names of the wings to which they give entrance. Far down the gray length of Bluebell, a man in baggy coveralls dribbles ash from his cigarette onto the tiles over which he is dragging, with exquisite slowness, a filthy mop. We move into Daisy. The functional parts of Maxton’s are a great deal less attractive than the public areas. Numbered doors line both sides of the corridor. Hand-lettered cards in plastic holders beneath the numerals give the names of the residents. Four doors along, a desk at which a burly male attendant in an unclean white uniform sits dozing upright faces the entrances to the men’s and women’s bathrooms at Maxton’s, only the most expensive rooms, those on the other side of the lobby, in Asphodel, provide anything but a sink. Dirty mop-swirls harden and dry all up and down the tiled floor, which stretches out before us to improbable length. Here, too, the walls and air seem the same shade of gray. If we look closely at the edges of the hallway, at the juncture of the walls and the ceiling, we see spiderwebs, old stains, accumulations of grime. Pine-Sol, ammonia, urine, and worse scent the atmosphere. As an elderly lady in Bluebell wing likes to say, when you live with a bu nch of people who are old and incontinent, you never get far from the smell of caca. The rooms themselves vary according to the conditions and capacities of their inhabitants. Since nearly everyone is asleep, we can glance into a few of these quarters. Here in D10, a single room two doors past the dozing aide, old Alice Weathers lies (snoring gently, dreaming of dancing in perfect partnership with Fred Astaire across a white marble floor) surrounded by so much of her former life that she must navigate past the chairs and end tables to maneuver from the door to her bed. Alice still possesses even more of her wits than she does her old furniture, and she cleans her room herself, immaculately. Next door in D12, two old farmers named Thorvaldson and Jesperson, who have not spoken to each other in years, sleep, separated by a thin curtain, in a bright clutter of family photographs and grandchildren’s drawings. Farther down the hallway, D18 presents a spectacle completely opposite to the clean, crowded jumble of D10, just as its inhabitant, a man known as Charles Burnside, could be considered the polar opposite of Alice Weathers. In D18, there are no end tables, hutches, overstuffed chairs, gilded mirrors, lamps, woven rugs, or velvet curtains: this barren room contains only a metal bed, a plastic chair, and a chest of drawers. No photographs of children and grandchildren stand atop the chest, and no crayon drawings of blocky houses and stick figures decorate the walls. Mr. Burnside has no interest in housekeeping, and a thin layer of dust covers the floor, the windowsill, and the chest’s bare top. D18 is bereft of history, empty of personality; it seems as brutal and soulless as a prison cell. A powerful smell of excrement contaminates the air. For all the entertainment offered by Chipper Maxton and all the charm of Alice Weathers, it is Charles Burnside, â€Å"Burny,†we have most come to see. How to cite Black House Chapter One, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Debut Albums and Girls Generation free essay sample
Most of us were not Cones from the beginning. Many of us may not have been there when people think you couldnt make it. We may not have been there when you wanted to give up. Many of us were not Cones, when you felt like the nine of you were all that you had. But because weve become you Cones, the one who fulfilled your wishes Although we couldnt be with you from the very beginning. .. We will be with you UNTIL THE END. Well be standing with you forever until the end. Everywhere you go a PINK OCEAN flows Proof of how hard youve worked, how far youve comeProof that you did It! Girls Generation, SANDS, Soundlessly. TO the 9 Girls that I LOVE Many years now have been passed since your debut From your first debut stage to the most prestigious stage youve performed on In 5 years your still SANDS. We will write a custom essay sample on Debut Albums and Girls Generation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Girls who despite the fame and have never forgotten who they are It hasnt been an easy Journey, and it still it will not be easy Even though you all 9 are now being divided into subgroups You will still be 9 Youve made a comeback within 9 months and for 9 weeks you all 9 members received 9 trophies.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Rhetorical Analysis (Final Draft) Essays (1377 words) - Rape
Skylar Rose Goodman Professor Vinisky Rhetorical Analysis November 16, 2018 The topic of rape and sexual assault has recently become a more common conversation in recent months as allegations against many powerful people, in both politics and the entertainment industry, come to the public eye. This is a very important conversation that needs to happen, and it is unfortunate that so many people had to be hurt and victimized before the conversation really began. In 2010, sexual assault was not as much of a hot button topic as it is today. A few short years ago, the topic of sexual assault was not brought up in civil conversation; it was a discussion that was avoided entirely. A subtopic of sexual assault is the question of who the blame lies upon for the assault occurring. Rebecca Camber, an English journalist, wrote an article in early 2010 discussing the views of people polled and the opinions of those who work professionally in both law enforcement and victim services. Camber's article is rhetorically effective, even if the reader does not share h er underlying assumptions. The article was written for an English news source, however the findings from the studies mentioned are likely to still apply to an American audience. Camber found that roughly 50% of women believed that the victims of sexual assault played a part in their own attack. Camber used these statistics and other appeals to display that although this opinion may be frequent, it is not a true conclusion of who is at fault when someone has been victimized. The purpose of this article is to show how many people truly believe that victims' are at fault for being attacked and then to discredit these ideas with testimonies from those professionally involved in the discussion of sexual assault. The occasion and inspiration for writing this article is that Britain has the lowest conviction rate in Europe of rape; only one in fourteen rapes reported end in a conviction. Throughout the article, Camber mentions that the experts she quotes are advocates for education in schools about sexual assault and sexual violence. Camber herself supports the idea of sexual violence education in schools. Both the intended audience and actual audience that this article was written for are of English nationality, as The Daily Mail is an English publication. The actual audience is victims of sexual assault, with the intent of showing them that although the public may have an opinion about sexual assault and those victimized by it, those who are educated on the topic have a much different opinion. The professional opinion is that the victims are not to blame, continuing the rhetoric of "never blame the victim". The intended audience is those who blame victims of sexual assault in an attempt to have them question their viewpoints, to shed light on how widespread the idea is and how harmful it can be to victims and the efforts to end sexual violence. The tone of the article is derogatory towards those with the opinion that victims are at fault for being assaulted while also praising victims for surviving and validates them for their struggles. Rebecca Camber is a crime correspondent and an English journalist for many news outlets. (Muck Rack.) Some of the publications Camber has written for include The Daily Mail , MSN UK, New Zealand Herald, The Star (South Africa), Business Report, and Daily Voice . (Id.) The Daily Mail, where this article was originally published, is a British daily middle-market newspaper published in London and has an online source as well, reaching an international audience. (Wikipedia.) Camber herself writes many articles on controversial topics, such as sexual assault, terrorism, and other crime related topics. This gives Camber credibility as she has written of similar topics before, and often writes with another journalist who also specializes on the topic written about. In this article, however, Camber is the sole author. Camber's article is mostly logically oriented in presenting the information. Camber uses many statistics and facts from various sources. The majority of the article is information from these mixed sources displayed in quantitative form, showing mostly percentages of polls and surveys of both males and females. This is significant due
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Why the Rainforests Destruction Should Be Prohibited
Why the Rainforests Destruction Should Be Prohibited The most important thing we can do – is to care. We have to care about the world we live in, the beauty we are surrounded by, the life that flourishes around. Forests Are the Lungs of the Earth Earth is beautiful. The 30% of its land area is covered with forests. These are the environs that play an important role in the planet functionality. They help control climate, regulating atmospheric gasses and maintaining rainfalls. More than 50% of the world’s species consider rainforests to be their home. But. Every minute, forest the size of 20 football fields is felled. Every day we lose about 80, 000 acres of tropical rainforests. Experts agree, that in 100 years the remaining forests will disappear. We surely can plant another tree. But can we plant another ecology? WARNING! GLOBAL WARMING! Nowadays the largest forest fell occurs in the following countries: Brazil Indonesia Democratic Republic Congo Malaysia Bolivia Columbia Peru Myanmar Cote d’Ivoire Madagascar Venezuela Cambodia Vietnam Laos Why Are the Rainforests so Important? Rainforests help control the weather and the overall planet temperature. Only Amazon produces about 20% of the oxygen. But that’s not the full list:  Rainforests had been evolving for about 100 million years, thus they came to be home for more than 35 million species of animals and plants. Deforestation will kill them all.  Forests provide oxygen humans cannot live without. Moreover, they absorb the harmful carbon dioxide, WE release. What do we have? We release carbon dioxide that kills us and we kill rainforests that could save us. The irony of fate.  A quarter of all the medicines we have today come from the plants grown in the rainforest. And this is only 1% of all the plants explored! What if we explore 100% of the rainforests plants? Probably we would have cures for all the diseases bothering us today. But again – we kill what can really save us.  Forests regulate rainfalls, filtering water and supplying it to the rivers and irrigation systems. Our planet must be extremely thankful, so must be we.  Rainforests are home for indigenous people, as still may tribes live in the heart of the rainforests all around the world. The whole scope of deforestation process is horrifying. By killing the oldest ecosystem on the planet, we are losing the chance to live a fulfilled life on this planet. Our planet is such a beautiful place in the universe, we cannot let it die. Why Are the Rainforests Felled? The main cause of deforestation is humans. We find so many reasons for the rainforests cutting down: Agriculture Wood for hardwood Road establishing Pulp for paper making paper Land for living Grazing land These motives tell only one thing – people want the civilization to rule, but in 100 years, when rainforests disappear, we will prefer something different at all. Now we still have time for the big change to happen. WE must be this change. Otherwise, it will be too late. See also: What Electric Cars Are Doing to Reduce Global Pollution Levels? What Can We Do about Global Deforestation? So, what should we do to help save at least some of the remaining forests? Tip 1. People are consumers in nature. Now we have to consume wisely. Recycling the products that made from trees (like paper) allows using them repeatedly. In such a way, we decrease the need for these products, thus – in the trees. Tip 2. There are companies, that are environmentally friendly, they do not make any damage to nature and are of high quality. Many companies also sell products made out of recycled material. Such items are more expensive, but ecology is priceless. Tip 3. Try to eat less meat. Lower demand for meat is lower demand for grazing land. Fewer grazing lands – more forests. Tip 4. Read newspapers and magazines online. Tip 5. Plant a tree, or two, or the forest. ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION AND GREEN CITIZENSHIP The most important thing we can do – is to CARE. We have to care about the world we live in, the beauty we are surrounded by, the life that flourishes around. Indifference will never make a change. We are the ones who can do it. My grandparents lived at the forest. When I was little I used to play there, have picnics with my family and friends, read my favorite books, dream big or just listen. That was a great time spent with the closest people in the amazing place. A year ago, it was felled. Every tree of my dream-place was cut down. Birds do not sing there anymore. I do not walk there anymore. It’s just an empty spot on the map and the hole in my heart. They fell our forests to construct the road, but they ruined much more. It’s not only the problem of the rainforests disappearing. It’s a matter of every tree growing at the house or in the park. We have a big problem which needs an immediate solution. We cannot stay aside from this. Together we can stop the deforestation disaster.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Character Analysis of Roderigo in Othello Essay -- Othello Essays
The play begins with a conversation between Roderigo and Iago. The opening lines are significant in that they set the tone and initiate the plot. Roderigo’s thematic purpose is portrayed through Iago’s manipulation in the lines, â€Å"Tush, never tell me! I take it much unkindly/ That thou, Iago, who hast had my purse/ As if the strings were thine shouldst know of this.†(1.1.1-3). Roderigo learns about the elopement of the Moor and Desdemona. He questions Iago in pursuit of the money he has given him in order to woo Desdemona. These lines show that even before the play begins Iago greatly influences Roderigo. The relationship and trust the two characters have is made apparent through the first lines. Iago takes enjoyment in influencing people, as seen through his first soliloquy: Thus do I ever make my fool my purse; For I mine own gain’d knowledge should profane If I would time expend with such a snipe But for my sport and profit. (1.3.374-377). Iago states that the only reason he spends time with Roderigo is for his own wealth and pleasure. His plan is to continue giving Roderigo unfulfilled promises. Iago continues to manipulate Roderigo. He convinces him that Desdemona will soon grow tired of Othello and begin to search for a younger, handsome man to fulfill her desires. Continuing to build on Rod sake of his reputation, Iago persuades Roderigo to kill Cassio. In doing so, Roderigo only injures the lieutenant. Iago sees his plan collapsing and rushes in to kill Roderigo. Betrayed by his friend, Roderigo died in pursuit of Desdemona’s love. As a minor character, Roderigo has a significant impact on several themes such as manipulation, jealousy and betrayal. Throughout Shakespeare’s drama, Roderigo is manipulated into performing tasks in which Iago does not want to take part in. Roderigo’s jealousy towards Othello increases as the play progresses. His endless love for Desdemona leads him to his tragic death where he has be betrayed by a person in which he once called his friend. At a first glance, a minor character may appear to have an insignificant role, but upon observing them in detail, their role can be much more significant that first perceived.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Research and prepare an advertising plan Asume you own an advertising Paper
And prepare an advertising plan Asume you own an advertising agency, write that you would share with the CEO of Shazam - Research Paper Example The various platforms in the mobile phone operating systems have also been changing at a first pace and hence the company’s need for an advertising strategy geared to keep up with this dynamism. The main objective is to expand the target market for about 200% within the first half of the period of advertising and even grow it further in the long run. This is to be achieved at a very lean but objective budget estimate of about 2% of the total revenue derived from additional sales or profit. The plan further outlines an evaluation criterion for the proposed advertisement campaign to ensure that all set objectives and targets are met in accordance with the schedule and in line with the rapid changes being experienced in the industry. Shazam entertainment limited is a privately owned company connecting over 250 million individuals to their preferred brand, TV shows and music (Shazam Entertainment Ltd 2). This advertisement plan aims to leverage on this potential and exploit other avenues to ensure that the brand derives further gains in the competitive industry. The multimedia content industry is at the peak of competition today owing to vibrant watching and sharing population that mostly consist of the youth. This has been further enhanced by an ever growing number of social sites that people are able to communicate using tools like voice, text and video chats. In the process of these communications in the internet, the users end up commenting on various things and sharing information that sometimes can be in the form of referrals to some form of -multimedia content. Shazam has a presence in the world’s major cities laden with social media enthusiasts. It is positive to note that it has been positioned to take advantage of the opportunities that come with the ever growing mobile phone platforms that have come to be the single most effective and preferred communication and entertainment tool in the world today. The product was
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The communication of Ants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The communication of Ants - Essay Example Pheromone is a chemical signal that helps in the identification of the location of other ants. For purposes of receiving smell, ants use their mobile, thin and long antennae (Oller, 2008). Their paired antenna is able to provide information regarding the intensity of scents, and their direction. Because majority of these insects live on the ground, they are able to use the surface of the soil, for purposes of leaving a trail of pheromone, so that other ants may follow (Oller, 2008). For instance, when an ant finds a source of food, it will mark a trail of the source back to the colony. Other ants are able to follow this trail, and reinforce it when heading back with the food, to their colony. When the source of the food is exhausted, they will no longer leave a new trail, and the scent will slowly disappear (Oller, 2008). This behavior by ants is able to help it adapt to the various environmental changes that affects it. For example, when the source of food is blocked, an ant will explore new routes, and leave a trail of the new route for other ants to follow. Other ants would explore this route, for purposes of identifying other better
Saturday, November 16, 2019
George Washington Essay Example for Free
George Washington Essay The reaction of the modern reader to George Washingtons 1796 Farewell Address might well be amazement coupled with awe. And justifiably so as Washingtons remarks has proven to be not only eloquent, but startlingly prescient, regarding the challenges that the American constitution and American Democracy would likely face during its immediate, post-revolutioin future, as well as its far-flung future, which includes the political turbulence of the present day. The sensitive reader would also, no doubt, reach the conclusion that America would be in a far stronger and much more authentically democratic state had Washingtons perceptive Farewell Address been taken heed of by those who followed in his footsteps. Foremost among the many important assertions made by Washington in the Farewell Address is the concept that American principles and the tenants which inform the American government are cultural traditions that tie together very different geographical, political, and economic concerns. Therefore, according to Washington, the greatest threat to America lies in the erosion or perversion of the cultural ties which bind these disparate parts together. this cultural association is, of course, a tradition of liberty and individual pursuit of happiness which is directly expressed in the democratic form of government itself. However,beyond laws and government institutions there must be a shared allegiance in hallowing the principles behind the laws because the laws, even the constitution itself, Washington warns, may be susceptible to manipulation and self-interest: one method of assault may be to effect, in the forms of the Constitution, alterations which will impair the energy of the system, and thus to undermine what cannot be directly overthrown. (Fitzpatrick, 1931, p. 225) Washingtons emphasis on the need for Americans to cherish and revere their liberty and their democratic institutions cannot possibly be overstated. It is the primary thrust behind nearly all of his admonishments and advice to the nation in his Farewell Address. The core of his belief was in the principles rather than the institutions of laws of the American democracy and he urged all Americans to share this important reverence and vision: you should cherish a cordial, habitual and immoveable attachment to it; accustoming yourselves to think and speak of it as of the Palladium of your political safety (Fitzpatrick, 1931, p. 219). The unity of reverence for democratic traditions and democratic institutions ties directly to Washingtons emphasis on preserving the wholeness of of and mutual sustenance of the various states of the Union. In a particularly prescient observation, Washington mentions the tensions and also mutual benefits that exist between the geographically apportioned states of the Union, foreshadowing through intensely optimistic language, the American Civil War that would take place more than a century later: The North, in an unrestrained, intercourse with the South protected by the equal Laws of a common government, finds in the productions of the latter, great additional resources of Maratime and commercial enterprise and precious materials of manufacturing industry. The South in the same Intercourse, benefitting by the Agency of the North, sees its agriculture grow and its commerce expand. (Fitzpatrick, 1931, p. 220) His comments which follow upon this statement stress the urgency of preventing geographical identities or grievances to disrupt the unity of the nation. He warns: In contemplating the causes which. may disturb our Union, it occurs as matter of serious concern, that any ground should have been furnished for characterizing parties by Geographical discriminations (Fitzpatrick, 1931, p. 223) which is, of course, precisely what occurred during the events leading up to the American Civil War. Washingtons vision of unity extended beyond geographical realms to the realms of the merely political. In noting that the same kind of local or even personal interests that threatened geographical division within the Union, could also manifest themselves within the government itself, based in political parties and the aspirations of those who controlled them. Washington warns that the alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge natural to party dissention, (Fitzpatrick, 1931, p. 227) presents a very real threat to American democracy not only for its obvious divisive capacities, but because of the fact that when people become deeply and openly divided, The disorders and miseries, which result, gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an Individual (Fitzpatrick, 1931, p. 227) which leads to Autocracy and the complete overthrowing of American Democracy. Because the unity of American society depends so intensely upon the integrity of democratic traditions and beliefs and not merely laws or legislation, Washingtons concept of the public as the nations most important trust rests, also, on the notion of cultivating the public with an eye toward enabling, rather the obstructing, the will of the people. In this acknowledgment, issues of war and peace, economic issues, and cultural issues all play pivotal roles in maintaining the traditions of American democracy. Washington notes that One method of preserving it is to use it as sparingly as possible: avoiding occasions of expence by cultivating peace, (Fitzpatrick, 1931, p. 230) or, in other words, enabling a widespread feeling of participation and accomplishment to be held by the nation which embraces prosperity and peace. For Washington, prosperity and peace remained deeply intertwined and hoped-for states: one follows the other. This belief, among Washingtons many observations and admonishments, infuses Washingtons Farewell Address with an uncanny historical prescience which seems almost chillingly appropriate to present era of global politics. Warfare and conflict should be avoided and the avoidance of such catastrophes is enabled by good faith and justice towards all Nations and by America setting an example for the world: a great Nation, to give to mankind the magnanimous and too novel example of a People always guided by an exalted justice and benevolence. (Fitzpatrick, 1931, p. 231) In fact, more than an eerie premonition about the contemporary global-political situation, Washingtons views on global affairs seem almost too lofty, too idealistic to be taken at face-value by a contemporary observer. However, Washingtons observations do not, to my mind, cloak a deeper, perhaps more cynical vision. Rather, the ideas and concepts expressed in Washingtons Farewell Address seem to speak of an era when such loftiness of ideals and such idealism and faith were not viewed as weaknesses, but as the accouterments of the most powerful and most decisive of minds. The cumulative impact of reading Washingtons Farewell Address and refraining from spinning the words to mean something less-incisive, less idealistic, or less passionate, is one of grim admiration and perhaps a bit of wistfulness for the time when national leaders believed deeply enough inn the principles of American democracy to hold these as the highest of ideals: above personal ambition, above global supremacy, above military might, and even above the institutions of government itself. In final analysis, there is no doubt that America would be stronger, more prosperous nation had Washingtons brilliant observations and advice been heeded in earnest by the successive generations of law-makers and public officials. One can, of course, easily imagine counterpoints to most of Washingtons ideas; these counter-ideas have, in fact, directly infused and directed American domestic and foreign policy for the better part of the past ten years. To describe them point by point would require a voluminous amount of reflection, annotation, and writing. As easy as it is to imagine counter-arguments to Washingtons vision as it is expressed in his Farewell Address, it is equally easy to imagine an America which did follow the precepts laid out by Washington. A nation which, by simply adhering to the idea that democratic ideals are more important adn more crucial to individual liberty than the apparatus of government or the leaders who are supposed to serve government, Washington offered an almost spiritual vision of American democracy which, in the light of contemporary experience, seems to have despite its urgency, wisdom, prescience, and eloquence has fallen on deaf ears. Reference Fitzpatrick, J. C. (Ed. ). (1931). The Writings of George Washington from the Original Manuscript Sources, 1745-1799 (Vol. 35). Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Bioerosion and Reef Ecology Essay example -- Bioeroding Ecosystem Ecol
Bioerosion and Reef Ecology The breakdown of calcareous substrates among coral reefs, or bioerosion, is a facet of reef ecology too often forgotten. The process plays a much more important role than it is usually credited with. Bioeroding species, consisting of many different types of organisms that act on the environment in a seemingly endless variety of ways, interact with the ecosystem and with each other as part of the reef growth and degradation cycle. The degradation portion of this cycle, the part that is most often overlooked, is essential for the development of reefs as the diverse and beautiful habitats that we know them as. Bioerosive interactions are very complex, and a general understanding of the process of bioerosion is necessary to gain a solid understanding of the reef ecosystem. Introduction What is the significance, if any, of bioerosion in respect to a reef’s ecosystem? How does bioerosion take place, and what effects does it have on the biology of a reef? These are important questions to ask, as the processes that take place inside dead coral skeletons or over long periods of time generally happen beyond the perception of the human eye or mind, and thus are often looked over. Bioerosion, defined for this paper as the biological breakdown of substrates (specifically the calcareous skeletons of corals and other reef organisms), is half of the process of reef growth and decay and is too often looked upon as a negative force in reef dynamics. Not only is bioerosion the occasional victim of a generally negative sentiment, but bioerosion is sometimes simply forgotten from scientific literature. For example, Australia’s Great Barrier Reef attributes the whole of physical breakdown of dead coral skeleton... ...-604. LeCampion-Alsumard, T., Golubic, S., Hutchings, P. (1995). Microbial endoliths in skeletons of live and dead corals: Porites lobata (Moorea, French Polynesia). Marine Ecology. Progress Series 11, 149-157. Naylor, L.A., Viles, H. A., and Carter, N.E.A. (2002). Biogeomorphology revisited: looking towards the future. Geomorphology. Volume 47. Issue 1. pp. 3-14. Rouse, Greg W., and Fredrik Pleijel. (2001). Polychaetes. Oxford University Press, Inc. New York. Spencer, T., and Viles, H. (2002). Bioconstruction, bioerosion, and disturbance on tropical coasts: coral reefs and rocky limestone shores. Geomorphology. Volume 48. Issues 1-3. pp. 23-50. Zubia, M. and M. Peyrot-Clausade. (2001). Internal bioerosion of Acropora formosa in Reunion (Indian Ocean): microborer and macroborer activities. Oceanologica Acta. Vol. 24, Issue 3. pp. 251-262.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Murabaha Essay
Bai-Murabaha may be defined as a contract between a Buyer and a Seller under which the Seller sells certain specific goods permissible under Islamic Shariah and the Law of the land to the Buyer at a cost plus agreed profit payable in cash or on any fixed future date in lump sum or by instalments. The profit marked-up may be fixed in lump sum or in percentage of the cost price of the goods. In respect of dealing parties Bai-Murabaha may be of two types. 2. 01Ordinary Bai-Murabaha If there are only two parties, the seller and the buyer, where the seller as an ordinary trader purchases the goods from the market without depending on any order and promise to buy the same from him and sells those to a buyer for cost plus profit, then the sale is called Ordinary Bai-Murabaha. 2. 02Bai-Murabaha on Order and Promise If there are three parties, the buyer, the seller and the Bank as an intermediary trader between the buyer and the seller, where the Bank upon receipt of order from the buyer with specification and a prior outstanding promise to buy the goods from the Bank, purchases the ordered goods and sells those to the ordering buyer at a cost plus agreed profit, the sale is called â€Å"Bai-Murabaha on Order or Promise†, generally known as Murabaha. This Murabaha upon order and promise is generally used by the Islami Banks, which undertake the purchase of commodities according to the specification requested by the Clients and sale on Bai-Murabaha to the one who ordered for the goods and promised to buy those for its cost price plus a marked-up profit agreed upon previously by the two parties, the Bank and the Client. In this Bank, Bai-Murabaha is treated as a contract between the Bank and the Client under which the Bank purchases the specified goods as per order and specification of the Client and sells those to the ordering Client at a cost plus agreed upon profit payable within a fixed future date in lump sum or by fixed instalments. Thus it is a sale of goods on profit by which ownership of the goods is transferred by the Bank to the Client but the payment of the sale price (cost plus profit) by the Client is deferred for a fixed period. It may be noted here that, in case of Bai-Muajjal and Bai-Murabaha, Islamic Bank is a financier to the Client not in the sense that the Bank finances the purchase of goods by the Client, rather it is a financier by deferring the receipt of sale price of the goods sold by the Bank to the Client. If the Bank does not purchase the goods or does not make any purchase agreement with seller, but only makes payment of any goods directly purchased and received by the Client from the seller under Bai-Muajjal/Bai-Murabaha Agreement, that will be a remittance of the amount on behalf of the Client, which shall be nothing but a loan to him and any profit on this amount shall be nothing but Interest (Riba). Therefore, purchase of goods by the Bank should be for and on behalf of the Bank and the payment of price of goods by the Bank must be made for and on behalf of the Bank. If in any way the payment of price of goods is turned into a payment for and on behalf of the Client or it is paid to the Client any profit on it will be Riba. It is permissible for the Client to offer an order to purchase by the Bank particular goods deciding its specification and committing himself to buy the same from the Bank on Murabaha, i. . cost plus agreed upon profit. 3. 02It is permissible to make the promise binding upon the Client to purchase from the Bank, that is, he is to either satisfy the promise or to indemnify the damages caused by breaking the promise without excuse. 3. 03It is permissible to take cash/collateral security to guarantee the implementation of the promise or to indemnify the damages. 3. 04It is also permissible to document the debt resulting from Bai-Murabaha by a Guarantor, or a mortgage, or both like any other debt. Mortgage/ Guarantee/ Cash Security may be obtained prior to the signing of the Agreement or at the time of signing the Agreement. 3. 05Stock and availability of goods is a basic condition for signing a Bai-Murabaha Agreement. Therefore, the Bank must purchase the goods as per specification of the Client to acquire ownership of the same before signing the Bai-Murabaha agreement with the Client. After purchase of goods the Bank must bear the risk of goods until those are actually sold and delivered to the Client, i. e. after purchase of the goods by the Bank and before selling of those on Bai-Murabaha to the Client buyer, the Bank shall bear the consequences of any damages or defects, unless there is an agreement with the Client releasing the Bank of the defects, that means, if the goods are damaged, Bank is liable, if the goods are defective, (a defect that is not included in the release) the Bank bears the responsibility. The Bank must deliver the specified Goods to the Client on specified date and at specified place of delivery as per Contract. 3. 8The Bank shall sell the goods at a higher price (Cost + Profit) to earn profit. The cost of goods sold and profit mark-up therewith shall separately and clearly be mentioned in the Bai-Murabaha Agreement. The profit mark-up may be mentioned in lump sum or in percentage of the purchase/cost price of the goods. But, under no circumstances, the percentage of the profit shall have any relation with time or expressed in relation with time, such as per month, per annum etc. 3. 09The price once fixed as per agreement and deferred cannot be further increased. 3. 0It is permissible for the Bank to authorise any third party to buy and receive the goods on Bank’s behalf. The authorisation must be in a separate contract. Request potential Client to open an Al-Wadia Current Account. Let him maintain the Current Account satisfactorily for a reasonable period. (This will generally mean six months). 4. 02Hold preliminary discussion with the prospective Client regarding his Investment needs and business experience. 4. 03Brief him on the salient features of â€Å"Bai-Murabaha†Mode of Investment. Apprise, in particular, the usual terms and conditions under which the Bank makes such Investment. 4. 04Look to the past performance of the Client. Check-up Head Office Current Investment Policy and Branch’s track record of Bai-Murabaha Investment of the item(s). 4. 05If the Proposal is found suitable, advise the Client to submit formal Application (F-167A -as per specimen at page 34). If not found suitable, regret politely.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Great Expectations
â€Å"Great Expectations†was written in the mid 19th century by the world famous novelist Charles Dickens. Of key significance is the relationship between Pip (a growing young man) and Magwitch (an escaped convict) In Chapters One and Thirty-nine we read about the first and second meetings of the two characters, separated by 15 years. In Chapter one of Great Expectations Pip is a humble, polite orphan whose parents died before the time of photography and he now lives with his sister and her husband Mr Joe Gargery. As he has never seen his parents he uses the look of their tombstones to get an image of what they would have looked like. â€Å"The shape of the letters on my father's, gave me an odd idea that he was a square, stout, dark man, with curly black hair. †This suggests Pip is a lonely sensitive boy and one who misses his parents and brothers. He also goes on to describe his mother as a freckled and sickly woman, not a very high opinion of his mother, maybe due to the fact that his sister (Mrs. Joe Gargery) is a cruel mother figure and an accurate guess at what his mother would look like if she were alive. He also describes his five brothers who all died at a young age and he buried under tombstones/lozenges all of them, he imagines born with their hands in their pockets lying on their backs. Pip goes on to describe the Kent marshes on which he lived as a very bleak place and a place that you could understandably imagine as being shivery cold during the autumn and winter. Living on this cold marsh would be hard it was in an inhospitable environment one cold Christmas eve. As Pip encounters a man that appears from amongst the graves, he is without a hat (Nineteenth century, gentlemen wore hats) and dressed shabbily with a great iron around his leg, it must have been clear to Pip that this man was a convict. The man was clearly shivering and not dressed suitably for the weather. Pip is then threatened on a number of occasions, â€Å"Hold your noise! †cried a terrible voice, as a man started up from among the graves at the side of the church porch. â€Å"Keep still, you little devil, or I'll cut your throat! The convict, Magwitch, issues imperatives/commands and orders Pip around. The convict goes on to demand after much deliberation, a file and wittles (food), Pip has been threatened by the convict time and again and one of the convicts methods of intimidation is by threatening Pip with a person that goes by the name â€Å"Young man†, he compares this young man to himself by calling himself an Angel in comparison, this young man is said to be able to eat a child's liver, creep his way into a boys room and when they feel safe under their covers tear them open. Pip is finally let go, to run home but meanwhile with the thought of this young man in his head thinking about how to get food from his cruel sister. Mrs. Joe Gargery is hard and Pip would be hit by the tickler (a wooden stick) if caught stealing food or even suggesting giving food to the convict (Magwitch). There is a significant change in the Pip of Chapter thirty-nine to the poor, labouring boy in Chapter one. Pip has now grown up into a 23 year old gentleman and 15 years have elapsed since his unnerving ordeal on the marshes where he used to live. He now has money from a mystery benefactor and time on his hands, he reads for hour upon hour for much of the day (Not many people could read in the 19th century. It was an important source of entertainment if you could read). Although Pip had his books, his flat mate Herbert had taken a journey to France, leaving him by himself, miserable and dispirited. The weather played a huge part in creating mood and atmosphere as it was menacing and miserable outside. The wind rushing up the river shook the house that night, like discharges of cannon, or breaking of a sea†which in an echo of Chapter 1 on the Kent marshes with the discharges of cannon signalling the escape of convicts. â€Å"The staircase lamps were blown out†showing it to be a murky crepuscular environment. Pip then hears the sound of a single footstep on a stair, making him apprehensive and connecting it with being crept up upon by his dead sister Mrs Joe Gargery in an earlier chapter. Eager to discover who or what it is, he remembers the storm outside and the pitch darkness before him. Remembering then, that the staircase-lights were blown out, I took up my reading-lamp and went out to the stair-head. Whoever was below had stopped on seeing my lamp, for all was quiet. †A voice answers him from the dark, eclipse staircase. Moving the lamp closer to the stranger Pip started to describe his face as being browned by exposure to the weather which suggested that he worked in the fields as a labouer, Pip is proud that he is no longer a â€Å"labouring boy†as Estella once called him. The conversation between Pip the stranger – Magwitch reveals that he is Pip's benefactor. Pip is then shocked to believe that Magwitch his childhood tormentor is his benefactor and tries to find ways in which to involve Miss Havisham or any other respectable people that he could think of. The dialogue between them showed a significant role reversal, with Pip issuing orders and Magwitch like Pip in the marshes, holding on to some hope that he will be treated kindly by Pip. Pip doesn't want anything to do with this man and repulses him. Yet as the conversation starts to end Pip starts to feel more and more incriminated. He wants this to have never of happened and regrets that his good fortune comes from this convict. He starts to think to himself and use personification to describe the wind and the rain. It becomes apparent that Pip is startled and astounded by this change in events, yet still does not want Magwitch to suffer the punishment due to him if he were to be caught in England. (hanging). The mention in Chapter one of the gallows is a reminder to us of how cruelly prisoners could be treated in Victorian times. The escaped convict in Chapter one, was revealed to be named Magwitch, He had escaped from the prison ships and somehow made his way through the Kent marshes to the cemetery where Pip, was mourning his dead family, Magwitch had no real hope of surviving on the harsh, arctic temperatures and gale force winds of the marsh environment. He needed to convince this boy to get him food and some sort of tool to remove the great iron from his legs. The only way to ensure that Pip would do what he asked was to install fear in him. Magwitch cleverly using the idea of has protecting Pip from another young man. He ensured that Pip was going to get him some food and a file, but still had to sleep in the marshes over night holding onto some hope that Pip might come back. Magwitch in Chapter Thirty-nine is a rich man having made a fortune Australia and is now looking towards Pip for hope. He's come all the way from Australia but is still a fugitive. He hopes that Pip will accept him into his life. Pip's rejection of him as being his benefactor must have been a huge bombshell to Magwitch to see the repulsion on Pip's face. Magwitch has spent 15 years dreaming of this meeting with â€Å"my boy†Pip. He's grateful to â€Å"noble pip†that helped him on the marshes. He must be hurt by Pip's rejection. On the sound of the second cannon another prisoner escapes from the prison ships. He gets to safety in the marshes and is found by Pip as a drunk convict. When Pip tells Magwitch of the man he is instantly startled and files away trying to get the great iron of his leg. Pip thinks this man was the young man Magwitch was using to intimidate him but it wasn't. There is no clear explanation of why Magwitch and Compeyson (the 2nd escaped convict) have a rivalry but the scar on Compeyson's cheek tells a possible story in itself. Many of a thing could have happened to result in Compeyson obtaining a scar on his cheek but the most common view is a most probable fight with Magwitch. Compeyson in chapter thirty-nine is a man still eagerly awaiting revenge on Magwitch (whose alias is Provis). He finds out that Magwitch has come to England and sees this as his chance to get Magwitch back into prison/executed. He follows the movements of magwitch for a substantial amount of time; Magwitch is caught and almost killed by a ship's enormous rotating wheel. Provis succeeds in his revenge, and Magwitch later dies in a hospital bed beside Pip giving him a sort of blessing to marry his daughter Estella. There are powerful descriptions of settings throughout the novel, such as the dark murky Kent marshes and the dark staircase of the apartment in London. The Setting can have a huge effect on the imagination of the reader and the mood the author is trying to convey. During the early stages of chapter one Pip gives the readers a clear understanding of what the marshes looked like in the sentence, â€Å"Ours was the marsh country, down by the river, within, as the river wound, twenty miles of the sea. †This alone tells me the marshes are located in a not too dissimilar surrounding to London in the way a river passes through it, but as a source of information to tell if the area is widely populated or if the building are fairly new or maybe old. It doesn't help that much, maybe a purposely written piece of setting by Charles Dickens, giving the reader the chance to use there own imaginative freedom to make a mental picture in their minds. â€Å"that the dark flat wilderness beyond the churchyard, intersected with dykes and mounds and gates, with scattered cattle feeding on it, was the marshes; and that the low leaden line beyond, was the river†. Have feature of a horror story. Dickens sets a chilling mood to prepare the audience for something scary. The alliteration†low leaden line†the metaphor â€Å"savage lair†enhance the atmosphere of ominous brooding. Chapter thirty-nine opens with a setting of real importance. Without Dickens' clever use of short and long sentences, repetition, metaphors and personification, Chapter Thirty-nine in my opinion wouldn't be as effective and would reduce the whole climax of the chapter when Pip's benefactor is revealed to him. â€Å"It was wretched weather; stormy and wet, stormy and wet; and mud, mud, mud, deep in all the streets. Day after day, a vast heavy veil had been driving over London from the East, and it drove still, as if in the East there were an Eternity of cloud and wind. So furious had been the gusts, that high buildings in town had had the lead stripped off their roofs; and in the country, trees had been torn up, and sails of windmills carried away; and gloomy accounts had come in from the coast, of shipwreck and death. Violent blasts of rain had accompanied these rages of wind, and the day just closed as I sat down to read had been the worst of all. †This single paragraph is a key component in the structure of this whole chapter. The opening sentence uses repetition and semi colons indicate how it should be read in a specific thrilling way. It creates a picture of a wilderness not too dissimilar to the settings in the bleak Kent marshes. Dickens describes this storm as a terrible event, the use of the word â€Å"Eternity†indicated a constant barrage of wind and cloud dominated the sky, a never ending attack of fury upon the rooftops of London. An enormous change can be seen in Pip from the small fragile boy in Chapter one to the snob and spoilt young man of Chapter Thirty-nine. This is a story of the development and change of Pip, Magwitch and Victorian Society. Great Expectations Have you ever wonder how wealth can bring a person happiness and how it can change a person or does it make that person a better person who was once poor? Driving to a local grocery store for an example, to buy some food for your family to eat and at the register, you have a dollar left. So you decide to buy a lottery ticket and later that night watching TV, you out of million hit the jackpot which would change your life forever.Or just going to school everyday and doing your homework knowing that your family poor and have money problem, you kept up in school and later went to college and getting a master degree plus a well-pay career bring you wealth. Being poor to wealthy or being rich and staying rich as a child to an adult, does the wealth usually bring you happiness? In the novel â€Å"Great Expectation,†Pip is a character who as a child become a wealthy person from a poor background family.As he grew up in a poor childhood, an opportunity came up for him to become rich and surely he took that opportunity from a secret benefactor which was Magwitch, Pip convict. Now being wealthy, Pip thought that it would bring him closer to the girl he loved, Estella. But it didn't. In return, he had more problems personally then before to face and wasn't enjoying his wealthy life. Wealth brought him to the path of broken love and change him because if Pip didn't take the job or opportunity to become rich at the Satis House where he first fell in love when he saw Estella.And now for him to get Estella, he has to change his old way of life to a higher class of people like Estella herself to even have a chance with her. (Chater 8) So according to Pip, wealth doesn't bring happiness, but it regard only one person only Pip. The way he live in London, he look back at his childhood and old lifestyle, he realize what a terrible place he grew up in and was an embarrass to him. (Part II of the novel until the end of the book or Chapter 20) When Pip was poor, his relations hip with Joe was like father to son.But when Pip became wealthy, the relationship grew further apart until a point where Pip became a higher classmen then Joe which he was at the low classmen of people. Looking back now, Pip again realize how Joe was an embarrassment to him now and that he couldn't socialize with Joe. From what he realize, Pip didn't talk to Joe as often as he would thought when he came from poor to rich. So wealthy does change a person and in Pip case, it made him not a better person but a poorer person especially in attitude.But Pip is only one individual compare to hundreds of thousands of people. How about what other people experience other then Pip. Another character in the novel, Miss Havisham who almost have the same but simliar problem like Pip with wealth, love, and happiness. Miss Havisham being wealthy herself wanted to get marry with guy who name is Compeyson, but she thought that the marriage was base on love not money. She also didn't know that the guy Compeysonwas just after her money not her love.Her father warn her about this, but she didn't care. When the wedding day came and everything was set up, the guy she thought she was going to marry stood her up just as her father warn her. Now heartbroken and mad, Miss Havisham left everything that day like the wedding cake still on the table til the present day, molding away. Because being wealthy, Miss Havisham didn't find true love as she wanted and now so depress from that day, her lifestyle change to a witch like house.Not seeing the sun or letting sunlght enter her home, she growing old and wrinkle not having happiness to enjoy. Love was want Pip and Miss Havisham thought as happiness, but none of them got it because they were wealthy. In conclusion, so does wealth usually bring a person happiness? To my oppinion yes it should bring a person happiness because it let what the person want and desire knowing that they can afford it. It really depend on the person and what he or sh e think happiness is and their attitude toward other people about their wealth.Maybe being greedy or just being a fool falling in love over the person because of their wealth or their appearence. Money is money whether you earn it or win it, and it will cause the person who own its problems because of the way they spend it. But money can't buy true love which is happiness for a person like Pip or Miss Havisham. But on the other hand, if you found true love when your poor and become wealthy, the same person that love when you were poor is true love like Herbert Pocket love life and of course you'll be happy like Herbert and his love becoming rich.So according to the novel, about 75% percent say that wealth doesn't bring happiness. But Pip and Miss Havisham are only two people compare to hundreds of thousands of people in real life. Maybe so, who really know what wealth will really bring happiness. If you ask me I would say yes it does for me. Well how can wealth change a person? Its can change a person in many ways from their attitude to their physical appearence. Wealth can change a person by making them feel better about life and knowing that what the want they an get. And does wealth make someone a better person that someone who is poor? Well once again, it depend on that person. That once poor person who became wealthy can realize the hardness of life low on money can help out in many way. Giving away money to buying cloths for the poor. But on the other hand, wealth can make a person attitude even poorer then before over greed. So I think wealth does bring a person happiness for a while and it can the person too. Great Expectations â€Å"Great Expectations†was written in the mid 19th century by the world famous novelist Charles Dickens. Of key significance is the relationship between Pip (a growing young man) and Magwitch (an escaped convict) In Chapters One and Thirty-nine we read about the first and second meetings of the two characters, separated by 15 years. In Chapter one of Great Expectations Pip is a humble, polite orphan whose parents died before the time of photography and he now lives with his sister and her husband Mr Joe Gargery. As he has never seen his parents he uses the look of their tombstones to get an image of what they would have looked like. â€Å"The shape of the letters on my father's, gave me an odd idea that he was a square, stout, dark man, with curly black hair. †This suggests Pip is a lonely sensitive boy and one who misses his parents and brothers. He also goes on to describe his mother as a freckled and sickly woman, not a very high opinion of his mother, maybe due to the fact that his sister (Mrs. Joe Gargery) is a cruel mother figure and an accurate guess at what his mother would look like if she were alive. He also describes his five brothers who all died at a young age and he buried under tombstones/lozenges all of them, he imagines born with their hands in their pockets lying on their backs. Pip goes on to describe the Kent marshes on which he lived as a very bleak place and a place that you could understandably imagine as being shivery cold during the autumn and winter. Living on this cold marsh would be hard it was in an inhospitable environment one cold Christmas eve. As Pip encounters a man that appears from amongst the graves, he is without a hat (Nineteenth century, gentlemen wore hats) and dressed shabbily with a great iron around his leg, it must have been clear to Pip that this man was a convict. The man was clearly shivering and not dressed suitably for the weather. Pip is then threatened on a number of occasions, â€Å"Hold your noise! †cried a terrible voice, as a man started up from among the graves at the side of the church porch. â€Å"Keep still, you little devil, or I'll cut your throat! The convict, Magwitch, issues imperatives/commands and orders Pip around. The convict goes on to demand after much deliberation, a file and wittles (food), Pip has been threatened by the convict time and again and one of the convicts methods of intimidation is by threatening Pip with a person that goes by the name â€Å"Young man†, he compares this young man to himself by calling himself an Angel in comparison, this young man is said to be able to eat a child's liver, creep his way into a boys room and when they feel safe under their covers tear them open. Pip is finally let go, to run home but meanwhile with the thought of this young man in his head thinking about how to get food from his cruel sister. Mrs. Joe Gargery is hard and Pip would be hit by the tickler (a wooden stick) if caught stealing food or even suggesting giving food to the convict (Magwitch). There is a significant change in the Pip of Chapter thirty-nine to the poor, labouring boy in Chapter one. Pip has now grown up into a 23 year old gentleman and 15 years have elapsed since his unnerving ordeal on the marshes where he used to live. He now has money from a mystery benefactor and time on his hands, he reads for hour upon hour for much of the day (Not many people could read in the 19th century. It was an important source of entertainment if you could read). Although Pip had his books, his flat mate Herbert had taken a journey to France, leaving him by himself, miserable and dispirited. The weather played a huge part in creating mood and atmosphere as it was menacing and miserable outside. The wind rushing up the river shook the house that night, like discharges of cannon, or breaking of a sea†which in an echo of Chapter 1 on the Kent marshes with the discharges of cannon signalling the escape of convicts. â€Å"The staircase lamps were blown out†showing it to be a murky crepuscular environment. Pip then hears the sound of a single footstep on a stair, making him apprehensive and connecting it with being crept up upon by his dead sister Mrs Joe Gargery in an earlier chapter. Eager to discover who or what it is, he remembers the storm outside and the pitch darkness before him. Remembering then, that the staircase-lights were blown out, I took up my reading-lamp and went out to the stair-head. Whoever was below had stopped on seeing my lamp, for all was quiet. †A voice answers him from the dark, eclipse staircase. Moving the lamp closer to the stranger Pip started to describe his face as being browned by exposure to the weather which suggested that he worked in the fields as a labouer, Pip is proud that he is no longer a â€Å"labouring boy†as Estella once called him. The conversation between Pip the stranger – Magwitch reveals that he is Pip's benefactor. Pip is then shocked to believe that Magwitch his childhood tormentor is his benefactor and tries to find ways in which to involve Miss Havisham or any other respectable people that he could think of. The dialogue between them showed a significant role reversal, with Pip issuing orders and Magwitch like Pip in the marshes, holding on to some hope that he will be treated kindly by Pip. Pip doesn't want anything to do with this man and repulses him. Yet as the conversation starts to end Pip starts to feel more and more incriminated. He wants this to have never of happened and regrets that his good fortune comes from this convict. He starts to think to himself and use personification to describe the wind and the rain. It becomes apparent that Pip is startled and astounded by this change in events, yet still does not want Magwitch to suffer the punishment due to him if he were to be caught in England. (hanging). The mention in Chapter one of the gallows is a reminder to us of how cruelly prisoners could be treated in Victorian times. The escaped convict in Chapter one, was revealed to be named Magwitch, He had escaped from the prison ships and somehow made his way through the Kent marshes to the cemetery where Pip, was mourning his dead family, Magwitch had no real hope of surviving on the harsh, arctic temperatures and gale force winds of the marsh environment. He needed to convince this boy to get him food and some sort of tool to remove the great iron from his legs. The only way to ensure that Pip would do what he asked was to install fear in him. Magwitch cleverly using the idea of has protecting Pip from another young man. He ensured that Pip was going to get him some food and a file, but still had to sleep in the marshes over night holding onto some hope that Pip might come back. Magwitch in Chapter Thirty-nine is a rich man having made a fortune Australia and is now looking towards Pip for hope. He's come all the way from Australia but is still a fugitive. He hopes that Pip will accept him into his life. Pip's rejection of him as being his benefactor must have been a huge bombshell to Magwitch to see the repulsion on Pip's face. Magwitch has spent 15 years dreaming of this meeting with â€Å"my boy†Pip. He's grateful to â€Å"noble pip†that helped him on the marshes. He must be hurt by Pip's rejection. On the sound of the second cannon another prisoner escapes from the prison ships. He gets to safety in the marshes and is found by Pip as a drunk convict. When Pip tells Magwitch of the man he is instantly startled and files away trying to get the great iron of his leg. Pip thinks this man was the young man Magwitch was using to intimidate him but it wasn't. There is no clear explanation of why Magwitch and Compeyson (the 2nd escaped convict) have a rivalry but the scar on Compeyson's cheek tells a possible story in itself. Many of a thing could have happened to result in Compeyson obtaining a scar on his cheek but the most common view is a most probable fight with Magwitch. Compeyson in chapter thirty-nine is a man still eagerly awaiting revenge on Magwitch (whose alias is Provis). He finds out that Magwitch has come to England and sees this as his chance to get Magwitch back into prison/executed. He follows the movements of magwitch for a substantial amount of time; Magwitch is caught and almost killed by a ship's enormous rotating wheel. Provis succeeds in his revenge, and Magwitch later dies in a hospital bed beside Pip giving him a sort of blessing to marry his daughter Estella. There are powerful descriptions of settings throughout the novel, such as the dark murky Kent marshes and the dark staircase of the apartment in London. The Setting can have a huge effect on the imagination of the reader and the mood the author is trying to convey. During the early stages of chapter one Pip gives the readers a clear understanding of what the marshes looked like in the sentence, â€Å"Ours was the marsh country, down by the river, within, as the river wound, twenty miles of the sea. †This alone tells me the marshes are located in a not too dissimilar surrounding to London in the way a river passes through it, but as a source of information to tell if the area is widely populated or if the building are fairly new or maybe old. It doesn't help that much, maybe a purposely written piece of setting by Charles Dickens, giving the reader the chance to use there own imaginative freedom to make a mental picture in their minds. â€Å"that the dark flat wilderness beyond the churchyard, intersected with dykes and mounds and gates, with scattered cattle feeding on it, was the marshes; and that the low leaden line beyond, was the river†. Have feature of a horror story. Dickens sets a chilling mood to prepare the audience for something scary. The alliteration†low leaden line†the metaphor â€Å"savage lair†enhance the atmosphere of ominous brooding. Chapter thirty-nine opens with a setting of real importance. Without Dickens' clever use of short and long sentences, repetition, metaphors and personification, Chapter Thirty-nine in my opinion wouldn't be as effective and would reduce the whole climax of the chapter when Pip's benefactor is revealed to him. â€Å"It was wretched weather; stormy and wet, stormy and wet; and mud, mud, mud, deep in all the streets. Day after day, a vast heavy veil had been driving over London from the East, and it drove still, as if in the East there were an Eternity of cloud and wind. So furious had been the gusts, that high buildings in town had had the lead stripped off their roofs; and in the country, trees had been torn up, and sails of windmills carried away; and gloomy accounts had come in from the coast, of shipwreck and death. Violent blasts of rain had accompanied these rages of wind, and the day just closed as I sat down to read had been the worst of all. †This single paragraph is a key component in the structure of this whole chapter. The opening sentence uses repetition and semi colons indicate how it should be read in a specific thrilling way. It creates a picture of a wilderness not too dissimilar to the settings in the bleak Kent marshes. Dickens describes this storm as a terrible event, the use of the word â€Å"Eternity†indicated a constant barrage of wind and cloud dominated the sky, a never ending attack of fury upon the rooftops of London. An enormous change can be seen in Pip from the small fragile boy in Chapter one to the snob and spoilt young man of Chapter Thirty-nine. This is a story of the development and change of Pip, Magwitch and Victorian Society. Great Expectations Have you ever wonder how wealth can bring a person happiness and how it can change a person or does it make that person a better person who was once poor? Driving to a local grocery store for an example, to buy some food for your family to eat and at the register, you have a dollar left. So you decide to buy a lottery ticket and later that night watching TV, you out of million hit the jackpot which would change your life forever.Or just going to school everyday and doing your homework knowing that your family poor and have money problem, you kept up in school and later went to college and getting a master degree plus a well-pay career bring you wealth. Being poor to wealthy or being rich and staying rich as a child to an adult, does the wealth usually bring you happiness? In the novel â€Å"Great Expectation,†Pip is a character who as a child become a wealthy person from a poor background family.As he grew up in a poor childhood, an opportunity came up for him to become rich and surely he took that opportunity from a secret benefactor which was Magwitch, Pip convict. Now being wealthy, Pip thought that it would bring him closer to the girl he loved, Estella. But it didn't. In return, he had more problems personally then before to face and wasn't enjoying his wealthy life. Wealth brought him to the path of broken love and change him because if Pip didn't take the job or opportunity to become rich at the Satis House where he first fell in love when he saw Estella.And now for him to get Estella, he has to change his old way of life to a higher class of people like Estella herself to even have a chance with her. (Chater 8) So according to Pip, wealth doesn't bring happiness, but it regard only one person only Pip. The way he live in London, he look back at his childhood and old lifestyle, he realize what a terrible place he grew up in and was an embarrass to him. (Part II of the novel until the end of the book or Chapter 20) When Pip was poor, his relations hip with Joe was like father to son.But when Pip became wealthy, the relationship grew further apart until a point where Pip became a higher classmen then Joe which he was at the low classmen of people. Looking back now, Pip again realize how Joe was an embarrassment to him now and that he couldn't socialize with Joe. From what he realize, Pip didn't talk to Joe as often as he would thought when he came from poor to rich. So wealthy does change a person and in Pip case, it made him not a better person but a poorer person especially in attitude.But Pip is only one individual compare to hundreds of thousands of people. How about what other people experience other then Pip. Another character in the novel, Miss Havisham who almost have the same but simliar problem like Pip with wealth, love, and happiness. Miss Havisham being wealthy herself wanted to get marry with guy who name is Compeyson, but she thought that the marriage was base on love not money. She also didn't know that the guy Compeysonwas just after her money not her love.Her father warn her about this, but she didn't care. When the wedding day came and everything was set up, the guy she thought she was going to marry stood her up just as her father warn her. Now heartbroken and mad, Miss Havisham left everything that day like the wedding cake still on the table til the present day, molding away. Because being wealthy, Miss Havisham didn't find true love as she wanted and now so depress from that day, her lifestyle change to a witch like house.Not seeing the sun or letting sunlght enter her home, she growing old and wrinkle not having happiness to enjoy. Love was want Pip and Miss Havisham thought as happiness, but none of them got it because they were wealthy. In conclusion, so does wealth usually bring a person happiness? To my oppinion yes it should bring a person happiness because it let what the person want and desire knowing that they can afford it. It really depend on the person and what he or sh e think happiness is and their attitude toward other people about their wealth.Maybe being greedy or just being a fool falling in love over the person because of their wealth or their appearence. Money is money whether you earn it or win it, and it will cause the person who own its problems because of the way they spend it. But money can't buy true love which is happiness for a person like Pip or Miss Havisham. But on the other hand, if you found true love when your poor and become wealthy, the same person that love when you were poor is true love like Herbert Pocket love life and of course you'll be happy like Herbert and his love becoming rich.So according to the novel, about 75% percent say that wealth doesn't bring happiness. But Pip and Miss Havisham are only two people compare to hundreds of thousands of people in real life. Maybe so, who really know what wealth will really bring happiness. If you ask me I would say yes it does for me. Well how can wealth change a person? Its can change a person in many ways from their attitude to their physical appearence. Wealth can change a person by making them feel better about life and knowing that what the want they an get. And does wealth make someone a better person that someone who is poor? Well once again, it depend on that person. That once poor person who became wealthy can realize the hardness of life low on money can help out in many way. Giving away money to buying cloths for the poor. But on the other hand, wealth can make a person attitude even poorer then before over greed. So I think wealth does bring a person happiness for a while and it can the person too. Great Expectations Have you ever wonder how wealth can bring a person happiness and how it can change a person or does it make that person a better person who was once poor? Driving to a local grocery store for an example, to buy some food for your family to eat and at the register, you have a dollar left. So you decide to buy a lottery ticket and later that night watching TV, you out of million hit the jackpot which would change your life forever.Or just going to school everyday and doing your homework knowing that your family poor and have money problem, you kept up in school and later went to college and getting a master degree plus a well-pay career bring you wealth. Being poor to wealthy or being rich and staying rich as a child to an adult, does the wealth usually bring you happiness? In the novel â€Å"Great Expectation,†Pip is a character who as a child become a wealthy person from a poor background family.As he grew up in a poor childhood, an opportunity came up for him to become rich and surely he took that opportunity from a secret benefactor which was Magwitch, Pip convict. Now being wealthy, Pip thought that it would bring him closer to the girl he loved, Estella. But it didn't. In return, he had more problems personally then before to face and wasn't enjoying his wealthy life. Wealth brought him to the path of broken love and change him because if Pip didn't take the job or opportunity to become rich at the Satis House where he first fell in love when he saw Estella.And now for him to get Estella, he has to change his old way of life to a higher class of people like Estella herself to even have a chance with her. (Chater 8) So according to Pip, wealth doesn't bring happiness, but it regard only one person only Pip. The way he live in London, he look back at his childhood and old lifestyle, he realize what a terrible place he grew up in and was an embarrass to him. (Part II of the novel until the end of the book or Chapter 20) When Pip was poor, his relations hip with Joe was like father to son.But when Pip became wealthy, the relationship grew further apart until a point where Pip became a higher classmen then Joe which he was at the low classmen of people. Looking back now, Pip again realize how Joe was an embarrassment to him now and that he couldn't socialize with Joe. From what he realize, Pip didn't talk to Joe as often as he would thought when he came from poor to rich. So wealthy does change a person and in Pip case, it made him not a better person but a poorer person especially in attitude.But Pip is only one individual compare to hundreds of thousands of people. How about what other people experience other then Pip. Another character in the novel, Miss Havisham who almost have the same but simliar problem like Pip with wealth, love, and happiness. Miss Havisham being wealthy herself wanted to get marry with guy who name is Compeyson, but she thought that the marriage was base on love not money. She also didn't know that the guy Compeysonwas just after her money not her love.Her father warn her about this, but she didn't care. When the wedding day came and everything was set up, the guy she thought she was going to marry stood her up just as her father warn her. Now heartbroken and mad, Miss Havisham left everything that day like the wedding cake still on the table til the present day, molding away. Because being wealthy, Miss Havisham didn't find true love as she wanted and now so depress from that day, her lifestyle change to a witch like house.Not seeing the sun or letting sunlght enter her home, she growing old and wrinkle not having happiness to enjoy. Love was want Pip and Miss Havisham thought as happiness, but none of them got it because they were wealthy. In conclusion, so does wealth usually bring a person happiness? To my oppinion yes it should bring a person happiness because it let what the person want and desire knowing that they can afford it. It really depend on the person and what he or sh e think happiness is and their attitude toward other people about their wealth.Maybe being greedy or just being a fool falling in love over the person because of their wealth or their appearence. Money is money whether you earn it or win it, and it will cause the person who own its problems because of the way they spend it. But money can't buy true love which is happiness for a person like Pip or Miss Havisham. But on the other hand, if you found true love when your poor and become wealthy, the same person that love when you were poor is true love like Herbert Pocket love life and of course you'll be happy like Herbert and his love becoming rich.So according to the novel, about 75% percent say that wealth doesn't bring happiness. But Pip and Miss Havisham are only two people compare to hundreds of thousands of people in real life. Maybe so, who really know what wealth will really bring happiness. If you ask me I would say yes it does for me. Well how can wealth change a person? Its can change a person in many ways from their attitude to their physical appearence. Wealth can change a person by making them feel better about life and knowing that what the want they an get. And does wealth make someone a better person that someone who is poor? Well once again, it depend on that person. That once poor person who became wealthy can realize the hardness of life low on money can help out in many way. Giving away money to buying cloths for the poor. But on the other hand, wealth can make a person attitude even poorer then before over greed. So I think wealth does bring a person happiness for a while and it can the person too.
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